Chrysanthemums we grow for local florists

Chrysanthemums Flowers Growing & Care

Chrysanthemums Flowers From My Garden Sold to Local Florists

Chrysanthemums we grow for local floristsChrysanthemums are one of the most popular perennial plants grown around the world. Chrysanthemum flowers are closely related to the daisy. Traditionally given to mothers for Mother’s Day in Australia. Chrysanthemums flowers bloom in autumn in Australia.

Growing Guide

Soil – Fertile well-drained soil.

Position – Full sun and afternoon shade.

Frost tolerant – hardy in cold climates.

Feeding – Well rotted manures rich compost when planting topdress each year during spring.

Spacing – 60cm apart.

Tips – cut the stems of the tall plants at Christmas time if you do not want to stake them. Some varieties grow short and do not need staking.

Plant and Care

Prepare a planting hole dug as wide and as deep as the container, generously enrich the holes with rich compost made from manure or a well balanced organic fertiliser. Add your plant to the planting hole backfill and water well.

Harvesting of Plants

Cut Flowers early morning to arrange in a vase when you see the first flowers open. Trim the flowers off as they wither.

Orders taken from local florists only, we have a huge selection of different colours and heights.

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