Pussy Willow Care Instructions
Pussy Willow – Growing And Care of Pussy Willow Small Trees
Pussy Willows or Salix discolor is a shrub forming single or multiple trunks and grows to a height of 6-20 feet. This plant is native to North America. The oval shaped leaves are 3-14 cm long and are green on the upper side and greyish white on the underside. The plant produces flowers that are soft and silvery catkins. The flowers are produced during early spring before the new leaves emerge. The fruit is a capsule and bears many seeds. Due to the presence of salicin content, this plant was used by the Native Americans to relieve pain. This is a dioecious plant and male and female flowers are produced on different plants. The Pussy willow trees bear whitish or yellow flowers and the branches can be preserved and used in dried flower arrangements.
How to Grow And Care Pussy Willow?
Pussy willow tree is easy to grow and care for. This shrub requires full to part sun and constant moisture for proper flowering when planting. So, consider this while you plant them in your garden. It prefers sandy or any other type of soil with a moderate amount of organic matter. The plant has deep spreading roots which can become invasive when planted near sewer lines or water lines. Planting them on a hillside will help in preventing soil erosion as the roots hold the soil. The plant needs lots of water to grow.
How to Grow From Cuttings?
The best way to grow the plant is to use cuttings from the branches. Just stick the cut branches into the moist soil and the branch will develop roots and leaves. You need to use cuttings from newly developed stems and the stem should be pencil thick. The cutting should be of at least 1 foot in length and should contain at least 1-2 leaf buds. You can also stick the cut branch in a bucket of water to develop the roots. Place them away from direct sunlight and when the cutting develops roots replant them in wet soil. The best time to plant the new plant is during spring.
How To Prune Pussy Willows?
Though Pussy willows can be allowed to grow without pruning. Pruning the plant after blooming is beneficial to the proper growth and flowering. You can prune the plant to create a good shape. The lowest branches can be cut back to the main trunk of the tree. In every 2-3 years, the tree needs to be pruned within 6 inches from the main stump. Every so often drastically pruned pussy willow trees will encourage the plant to produce long stems with larger catkins. Flowers are usually produced on the previous year’s growth and it is advisable to prune the plant after the flowers start to fade. Yearly pruning of the weak branches encourages the production of new branches for the next year. You can also place the cut branches of Pussy willow in a vase filled with water and keep it near a sunny window and you will be able to enjoy indoor blooms before the outdoor plants produce buds.
The fury catkins of pussy willows are used for many DIY decorative projects. You can make baskets, wreaths, decorative balls and nests using stems and flowers of the plant.