What is Organic Gardening?
What does ‘Organic Gardening’ Mean
For a Garden to Qualify as ‘Organic’ It Must Not Have Used Any Artificial Fertilisers, Pesticides or Herbicides at Any Point during the Organic Gardening Growing Cycle.
The Australian climate and the desire for more and more Australians to provide for themselves without harming the earth means, that organic gardening is increasing in popularity. To garden organically in Australia or everywhere else in the world for that matter, means that you embrace nature and its natural cycles. You stand by the philosophy that nature knows best, after all, nature has been growing plants organically now for millions, if not billions of years. The organic gardener will design the garden so nature’s natural systems can work their magic at their most efficient. Of course, the gardener provides a helping hand by adding soil improvers, natural fertilisers and natural preventatives but it’s left up to nature to do the real work.
What is Organic Garden Soil – How Important is Garden Soil
Organic gardening starts with the soil. Organic matter know as compost is made and added as needed to the soil on a continual basis preferably by using as much material from the surrounding area as possible. Compost heaps or compost bin are a central hub for an organic garden.
- Compost bin or pile is easy to make. Natural household waste products from the kitchen is used to make compost, green leaf litter the leaves that have been trimmed and clipped off your trees plants in your garden as well as your grass clippings.
- Dry ingredients such as newspaper, cardboard, hay and straw, dry autumn leaves and dry grass
- Manures – Raw Manures can be added every few layers with some organic dirt, manures such as Chook, Cow manure, rabbit manure, Sheep manure, Pig manure
- Natural Fertilisers – by using good organic compost and organic liquid fish fertiliser or fish emulsion- look for the product that has the organic certification logo on the packet
- Homemade liquid extracts or raw types of manures that are not from carnivores, preferred manures are can be pig manures, goat droppings, cow manure and a small amount of chook manure
These products are allowed to decompose, this process can take up to 6 months and later on added back to the earth from where it came from as a soil conditioner. Raised beds and compost can fix troublesome soils by giving your plants the needed nutrients to grow best, but you have to keep adding the compost and manures especially before you plant a new lot of pants or seeds.
Tips for Organic Gardening – Growing Green Manure Crops
Another skill that creates a healthier organic garden is to grow green manure crops that are suited to the area and the environment. We’re lucky in Australia as our wildly varying climates throughout the year allow for a diverse range of foods to be grown. Just as you’re getting sick of strawberries the nectarines will be coming into season. As plants are grown and consumed some are used for seed stock. Plants that come from stock that grew in the same area are always better adapted to that particular environment.
Organic Gardening Pesticides Crop Rotation Companion Planning
Organic Pest Control is achieved by mixing and matching different species of plants and practicing crop rotation. Some losses are always expected but by not giving insects a smorgasbord in the form of acres upon uninterrupted acres of their favourite food, the majority of the crop will survive the assault, which is all just part of nature’s grand plan.
These tips tell you what is required to practice organic gardening by using no artificial fertilisers, herbicides or pesticides at any point of the growth of the plant you are growing.