clean fish pond in the garden with waterfall

Ways to keep Your Garden Pond Clean

Ways to Keep Your Garden Pond Clean & Clear Naturally

Ways to keep Your garden pond clean koi carp
There is no doubt that a pond in the garden accentuates its aesthetic aspect. But, keeping the pond water clear and free from blue green algae growth is a major problem. Warm climate conditions will promote algal growth in the pond. If you want to know ways to keep your garden pond clean and clear best you stay tuned so you can provide your aquatic life a good environment. It is best to single out ideal methods for cleaning the pond.

Keeping a Small Pond Clean with Algae

It is more difficult to prevent the growth of algae in small ponds and fountains. You can use water treatments that are safe to use in garden ponds. This will control the growth of algae in the water. You can find cleansing products using beneficial bacteria which will clear the water.

Keeping a Small Pond Clean

It is more difficult to prevent the growth of algae in small ponds and fountains. You can use water treatments that are safe to use in garden ponds. This will control the growth of algae in the water. You can find cleansing products using beneficial bacteria which will clear the water.


Ways to Keep Your Garden Pond Clean without a Filter?

If you are not keen on using filters in your garden pond to clean the water, you need to take measures to control the nutrients entering the pond. You should do the following to keep the pond clean.

  • Avoid adding too many fish. If there are many fish it will increase the amount of fish excreta in the pond which will promote blue green algae growth.
  • Avoid adding an excess of fish feed. In a garden pond, the fish will have natural things to eat.
  • Grow plants in the pond, such as louisiana Iris, water Iris, water lilies, which will use up the nutrients before the algae can use it.
  • Plants growing in your pond also restrict sunlight entering the pond, which will increase the algal growth.
  • Introducing rocks and plants gives more area for the microorganism to grow, which will degrade the waste materials and prevents the foul smell of the water

Cleaning Ponds with Fish in

If you have many fish in your garden pond, you may have to use filters and aerators to keep the water clean and to provide the necessary oxygen for the fish. However, you may need to change the water occasionally and to remove the debris completely. You can remove the water from the pond using buckets or using pumps. Try to keep the fish safe by restricting them to a particular area in the pond using a protective net. When the water level decreases, you can capture the fish using the net and can transfer them temporarily to an old wash tub or decent size containers with their pond water using aquarium oxygen stones to oxygenate the water. After removing the sludge and cleaning the pond including all the rocks and stones in the pond, fill the pond with fresh water and reintroduce the fish.

How to Clean Fish Pond Water?

If you want to provide clear water, you need to use ultraviolet sterilisers which will reduce 99% of algae when used in combination with biological filters or other water cleanser products. If you want to use a natural method, put barley straw bundles in the pond. The decomposing barley straws will release hydrogen peroxide which prevents algal growth and keeps the water clear. It will take 8 weeks for this to decompose.

Fish Pond Maintenance

It is always better to do preventive maintenance to avoid regular overall cleaning of the ponds. You need to cut back the overgrown plants and manually remove any dead leaves and debris. If you are using filters, service them and wash them so that the beneficial bacteria in them remain active. Replace the UV filter every 12 months and change ¼ of the water every month.


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