Cape Honeysuckle Plant Care
Cape Honeysuckle Tough Easy Low Maintenance Plant
About Cape Honeysuckle Plant
Cape Honeysuckle or Cape Trumpet flower plant, the botanical name Tecoma Capensis is a vine or shrub belonging to the Bignoniaceae family. This plant is native to Southern Africa and Southern Mozambique. It is widely distributed in the Eastern Australia coastal districts. It is a fast-growing perennial woody shrub. The plant is also commonly known as a flame vine or fire flower. In my garden, this plant produces clusters of flowers that are vivid orange-red in colour and the flowering period is from autumn and lasts into part of winter. It is an ideal option for hedges and screens. I prune mine regularly to keep it in shape. Cape Honeysuckle is frost resistant once it gets established. It attracts butterflies and birds with its nectar.
Plant Description
The plant can grow to a height of 2 to 3 metres. They may scramble in certain areas with long shoots climbing on fences, walls, or other plants. The leaves of the plant are about 15 cm in length and contain 5 to 9 leaflets arranged in opposite directions. The tubular flowers are 7.5 cm in length and are narrow.
Why Isn’t my Cape Honeysuckle Blooming?
- Cape Honeysuckle Plant must be pruned in late winter this will promote the growth of new shoots and flowers.
- Providing balanced slow-release fertiliser before the new growths develop ensures the best growth and flowering.
- Growing in too shady areas can result in fewer blooms. The plant will survive winter but cannot withstand temperatures below -50 c.
Caring for Cape Honeysuckle
Water once a week and allow the water to soak in until the roots are damp. During the summer, watering encourages healthy growth.
The plant can grow in full sun or partial shades and is not fussy about soil type.
This plant is very easy to grow and requires low maintenance.
They can be easily propagated by using rooted suckers or stem cuttings. When grown from seeds, flowering is usually delayed so this is not a good option.
Where Cape Honeysuckle is a Weed in Australia?
Cape honeysuckle is used as an ornamental plant it is a weed in some parts of Australia. The vigorous growth and ability to form suckers cause the plant to spread quickly and compete with the native plants. Cape honeysuckle is considered invasive in Queensland, New South Wales, and Eastern Victoria and hence it should be planted with care in Northern Australia. It is necessary to cut back the plant and remove the roots from the soil to prevent it from spreading. It is important to keep it trimmed and to keep growth in check.
Where to Place Cape Honeysuckle?
This vine or shrub can travel faster and should be planted in positions where you can control the growth by clipping it. It is ideal to grow on a trellis, pergola, or as hedges. If grown as a hedge, prune it close to the ground every 3 to 4 years. Clip away the suckers to control spreading.
Plant them in pots or containers to control unwanted growth. Select large pots with a wide top and drainage holes. Feed the plants yearly with fertiliser when growing them in pots. Water the potted plants frequently to prevent the soil from completely drying up.