New Peace Lily Plant Garden Green spathe flowers

Growing Peace Lily Green Flowers

Peace Lily Plants Care – Peace Lilies Not Blooming

Peace lily are the most popular indoor plants that now come with green flowers. The peace lily is a popular choice for decorating many homes and offices, reasons known that the peace lily does benefit humans and does remove harmful pollutants in the air naturally. It is also very easy to care for and maintain. Still, it needs the right growing conditions in order to grow and to bloom their best. Growing peace lilies as house plants will brighten up your indoor living space with it’s attractive dark green pointed leaves and lovely white flowers known as spathes. The tall and slender stalk of the plant topped with creamy coloured or white coloured flowers that are cradled in a white bract makes it an attractive indoor plant. The main problem with this plant is that it will not flower back after its first bloom, no matter how you take care of it. There are many professional gardeners who have the knack to make the peace lilies to bloom again. They make use of a natural hormone to arouse the plant to produce the white flowers again.

Have You Seen the New Breed of Peace Lily with Green Flowers?

While the peace lily comes in the traditional white flowers. Have you seen the New Peace Lily for sale in the garden shops and stores? After buying and growing the ornamental green flower variety I think it is an improvement on the white variety as far as the thickness of the flowers, having much thicker blooms with the same colour and equal texture as the leaves. This variety is also very drought tolerant and requires the same growing and planting requirements as the original white peace lily, take into consideration, light, water, soil and fertiliser that this plant needs. There are variegated leaf varieties in garden shops now too.

Peace Lily Plant Care Instructions

You will need to fertilise this plant every so often. You can fertilise the peace lily with a water soluble fertiliser that is low in nitrogen. Once every three months will be enough. You may need to repot the green flower variety more often than the white variety as it seems to be more vigorous, stronger and a thicker growing plant. When dividing the peace lily you can grow them in all sorts of pots and containers to suit and decorate your house. Indoor plants will benefit with their leaves cleaned especially the peace lily plants just as they need clean leaves to continue their work to purify the air. You can use a microfibre dust magnet cloth or duster to remove the dust off the plants leaves. You can then wipe the leaves with plain water using a damp cloth. Don’t use milk or commercial leaf shine products as they will harm the indoor plants eventually. Peace lilies sometimes called madonna lilies in Australia are native to tropical American regions where they grow and thrive on dappled sunlight outdoors. Peace lilies are not suited to grow outside if you receive frost otherwise they will get frost bitten. They will not grow if the soil is over watered. The peace lily plant spathiphyllum will grow well in humus soil with moderate moisture. The warmer growing conditions (18 to 30 degrees C) will drive these plants to bloom. A peace lily will only bloom if it gets gentle light with moist soil and warmer climatic conditions. The plant normally flowers during the spring or the early summertime. Use of natural plant hormone called gibberellic acid will stimulate the cell growth and the elongation of the plant. It will take at least one year to bloom naturally and for this to happen, it will also need ideal growing conditions mentioned above.

It is important that you keep your peace lily away from animals, these plants are considered poisonous if consumed by cats and dogs as well as humans.

Treating a Peace Lily with Brown Tips

What Causes Peace Lily Leaves To Brown? Do not water the peace lily regularlyIf your water is hard, it would be better off for you to save and use rain water to water peace lily plants. They are very sensitive to certain chemicals and minerals that are found in the normal tap water and could leave the Peace Lily with brown tips on the leaves and or flowers. Brown tips on the flowers maybe also due to the flower starting to die off, in this case, snip the withered brown flowers down after flowering near the base of the plant. NEVER use bought bottled or distilled water to water your plants as it is widely known that most are highly acidic and not good for plants or humans. 

How to Make the Peace Lily Bloom?

Peace lily plant white flowersIf you are giving the peace lily the correct cultivation, then there are chances for the plant to bloom. You need to grow it in a pot that has a well-draining potting mixture. The soil must be a rich soil mix with organic matter and make sure that you water the plant only two to three times a week this is a guide, allowing the soil surface to dry out between waterings.

  • The plant needs low light conditions and will never flower in the shade. They will thrive and bloom in medium or bright indirect sunlight areas.
  • Watering only after the soil dries out by one or two inches below the surface will ensure good growth. The soil must be moist only and not soggy at any given moment of time.
  • Feed the plant with a balanced homemade fertiliser once in 2 to 3 months.

The best night temperature suited for the plant would be 10 degrees lower to daytime temperatures between 68 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Never allow the plant to wilt and also make sure that the soil is not too soggy, this can cause a wilted peace lily plant. If you find the dark green leaves of peace lilies to turn yellow, then they are getting more sunlight than they need.



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