Pineapple Sage

Pineapple Sage Plant Growing Propagating Care

Salvia Elegans Growing And Propagating Pineapple Sage Plant

Pineapple SageIf you are looking to attract butterflies and honeyeaters to your garden in Australia, then you need to grow the Pineapple Sage plant. The leaves of this plant have the fragrance of the pineapple and hence it is commonly known as the Pineapple Sage. It is also known as the tangerine sage and the plants are very easy to grow and care for. Pineapple sage can be used as cut flowers and in food recipes. Cold drinks such as fruit punch, iced tea and are also popular in fruit salads.


The binomial name of Pineapple Sage is Salvia Elegans. It belongs to the family Lamiaceae and Genus Salvia. The flowers of the plant are in tubular form and are the brightest red in colour with two distinct lips. A flower is about an inch long. They are seen in long clusters at the tip of the stem. A total of 6 to 12 flowers grow in whorls and you can also spot a long inflorescence that will take its own time to bloom. The plant is a perennial herb. My shrub grows to a height of 1 metre tall and the roots grow deep into the soil to develop a large clump. The scented leaves of Pineapple Sage are a contrasting pale yellowish-green in colour. They are covered with fine hairs and are veined. The leaves are opposite and are 2 to 4 inches long. The leaves have medicinal properties and are also edible. The stem of the plant is square in shape and grow to become woody at their base.

How to Grow Pineapple Sage Plant?

Pineapple Sage thrives on well-draining soil and needs plenty of sunlight. It also needs regular watering. Give the plant enough room to grow and space two plants at least 4 feet apart. The plant can be cut anytime during its growing season if you find that it is overspreading.

Growing Indoors

  • The plant can be taken indoors during autumn or over winter conditions but has to be grown in a sunny window.
  • It will not tolerate frost and hence you need to keep an eye on the plant.
  • Cut the Pineapple Sage to two-thirds its size in order to prep it to grow better.

Propagating Pineapple Sage Plant

The Pineapple Sage can grow from stem cuttings and propagating the plant will ensure quick and easy root growth. Cuttings will grow in any growing medium. Cuttings have to be 4 inches in size and all but the top two leaves have to be removed. It is important to make sure that the plant cuttings are grown in a soil that is moist all the time.

Growing in Pots

The Pineapple Sage can be grown in pots and it will need a large pot of 12 to 14 inches to grow well. The pot must be filled with well-draining soil.

Pineapple Sage Caring Tips

In order to suppress the weeds and to conserve water, the Pineapple Sage can be mulched with wood chips or gravel. The sage has to be watered once a week during its blooming period or ensure that the soil is moist all the time. The plant might get affected by aphids and spider mites. If you notice them on the plant, knock them off with water spray or spray the leaves and the stem with a mild soap solution. Cut the plant to about a few inches off the ground after the blooming period to encourage thicker and lusher growth for the next season.

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